Monday, February 28, 2011

pg. 452- 494

where i left during these endless snow days, drake had just received this whipping arm he now uses as a weapon. like he needs another weapon.
At the beginning Sam is wondering where Lana has gone, not knowing that she has been taken by Caine and the coyotes. He is also wondering where Caine is because Sam is all ready to take him on and he is no where to be seen. They also go to visit Orc which they find probably wasn't the best idea. all he does is drink beer anymore and they find that after being dragged by the coyotes, and who knows what, he is covered in patches of gravel. gross.
Sam collects all the machine guns from the nuclear plant for the war that is about to come, also to keep them away from Caine. They all get ready for battle, they take their positions sort of i mean. Astrid goes on top of the church where you can basically see everything that is about to come and they get walkie talkies so they can communicate. Sams day to disappear is not too far away, actually its hours away, but he wont go down without a fight.
Sam also says something that he suspects Astrid has some sort of power. Diana said she was a two bar and Astrid confesses that whenever she touches a person's hand, she sees something in her mind. in Sam's case, a streak of fire. my guess is, that Astrid can tell what powers each person has by the touch of the hand, but its just a guess.
Also, Diana asks Jack to go to Sam and tell him what he can do to save himself from disappearing. Jack starts driving off, but he finds that drake and panda are following him so he drives into the forest to hide. As he emerges the next day, he thinks he is being followed again by a huge semi truck being driven by Drake, but it is really two children, unaccounted for who have been living in hiding and have threatened to kill him. luckily, he saved himself after promising to fix the boy's wii.
Sam sees a whole bunch of Coates kids reach the school so he goes there with some of the kids with powers. After destroying half the school and terrorizing the two kids the are inside, they find that it is a trap... great.

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