Monday, February 7, 2011

pg. 152-222

okay, so the first thing that really stands out in this section is at the end of it. Sam catches up with these two twins: Emma and Anna who have a birthday on that day. He wonders what will happen to them when they turn fifteen until he figures it out. the first to go is Emma. she disappears into thin air and Anna screams for dear life because 13 minutes later, she know she will go to, and she does while she is in Sam's arms. what a way to go huh? except, no one knows where they go. Sams birthday is in five days along with Caines. Maybe when they disappear, we will follow them.
We also learn that Sam killed his dad with his firey power. maybe its his stepdad... i don't remember. but his mom was in the room when it happened and she obviously knew all about it and lied for him when they went to the hospital. apparently, now the poor guy has no hand.
oh, do you remember Lana? well she found this cabin, after she healed all her broken bones and gangrene and stuff. she stays there for a while but comes across something extremely scary and odd. Astrid had said something prior about mutations and such happening with the seagulls. well Lana happens upon something similar. She is sitting in the cabin and heres something like a whisper saying "come out" which is creepy within itself. After going through that whole fracas of running away from the coyotes outside who supposedly whispered this to her, she later finds one dead outside with a snake in its mouth. "it was a snake no doubt, And yet she was sure she had seen it fly. Lana put that out of her mind. And along with it she dismissed the whisper she had heard because flying snakes and whispering coyotes the size of great danes, well none of that was possible."
so what if there really is mutations? then this book could really get interesting... it could be an even cooler randition of spy kids 2. you know, the spider monkey and well... i forgot the other animals... but i can't wait to read on!

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