Tuesday, February 22, 2011

pg. 351-392

In this section, Caine is reminded of a boy named Andrew, still living at Coates with the power, who has a birthday today. he gathers a whole bunch of camera equipment so Jack can film when or if he goes at the time he turns fifteen. He wants to know if the theory he has that people with the power do not go, is true or not. After they arrive at Coates, they finally track Andrew down, and tie him to a chair so he does not mess up the filming experience. Jack counts down to what he thinks is the exact time he is supposed to poof out, but then he ends up going over in time. Andrew is doing is power and going nuts, thinking that maybe he might survive and then after twenty seconds, he disappears. Luckily, they got it all on film and they actually saw something at the time of his disappearance. after slowing down the footage considerably, they see that right before Andrew disappears, he smiles and starts extending his arms as if he is reaching our for a hug. They also saw some sort of green blob. they say that for Andrew this whole experience was lasting a whole lot longer than than it was for anyone else, that that green thing, looking like a monster to them, must have looked like something positive to Andrew. They say that this whole experience is a trick and that if it was just possible to say no...

Sam and everyone as they are walking back to Perdido Beach, hear coyotes which gathered are Lana leading all of them to the cabin. Sam happens up the same cabin and then sees Lana running towards him for the first time. she tells all of them to run inside very quickly, but they aren't necessarily quick enough. Sam and Quinn, especially Sam receive a fair mount of damage from the coyotes, but luckily, they are safely, inside eventually and that Lana has healing powers. They all introduce themselves, about time Lana meets another human. Lana fixes all of Sam's wounds and amazes the whole crowd. They discuss the mutations of the coyotes and the snakes. But the coyotes are angry that Lana never taught them anything. dozens of them surround the cabin, making it impossible for them to escape. They keep having to reinforce the door because the coyotes keep knocking it. After a while, Pack leader catches the cabin on fire forcing them to come out. Sam uses his power to break the barricade in front of the door to get out also kills many coyotes this way. It sets of this huge inferno of flaming coyotes, some of them running through the forest engulfed in flames.

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