Monday, May 16, 2011

pg. 195- 314

Part 5 
The newly arrived AWOL Unwinds face a tribunal of sorts with the top three that were designated by the Admiral to find what job they would be doing. Connor gets mechanic, Risa is assigned medic and Roland is learning how to fly a helicopter from "Cleaver" another high-up that isn't an Unwind like the other high-ups. During the course of a month the Unwinds get used to their lives in the Graveyard which include something called work call which Unwinds can nominate themselves to take a job they like. Also people grow suspicious of the Admiral because of his abnormally white teeth which they think are from a Unwind. Rumors fly that the Admiral is just here to pick and choose Unwinds. A few days later Lev shows up in the Graveyard. How he got there is unknown but he looks so different that at first Connor couldn't recognize him. A few days after this the Admiral summons Connor on the pretext that Connor needs to fix a coffeemaker. Admiral says that he hears of Connor a lot because of his fights and how they always resolve something. Connor realizes the coffeemaker is in working order and figures out there's something else the Admiral wants to talk about. The Admiral explains that Connor's feelings of unease around him are based on rumors. The Admiral wears dentures and he started this because of the mistake of letting his son be Unwound. The Admiral also shows him the dead bodies of his top five, the three that gave the tribunals, and two others. The Admiral wants Connor to be a spy and find out who killed them. The Admiral also tells Connor the whole truth about the Heartland War and how the Bill of Life came to be. He tells Connor that he was forced to unwind his own son to set an example since he had had a hand in the creation of the Bill of Life. Lev meets up with Cleaver, and two other kids who want to shake up things in the world. In the next few days Risa notices something going on with both Connor and Lev and tries to get to the bottom of it. The next work call Lev and his gang sign up for a job on an oil rig in Alaska. Connor thinks Roland killed the top five and locks him in the same crate that the five Unwinds and the top five were killed in. When the Unwinds get riled up, they attack the plane that the Admiral is on with Risa. Connor hears about the situation and goes to intervene. He manages to calm them and get to Risa and the Admiral. The Admiral has a heart attack because of the heat in the plane. Connor rushes to Roland since he is the only one who can fly a helicopter since the mob killed Cleaver because he was associated with the Admiral after he makes a comment about suffocating. Connor figures out he killed the Goldens, the top five. They fly a helicopter to a hospital to try and save the Admiral. Admiral doesn't want an Unwound kids heart so they do what doctors did before the Heartland Wars. Roland turns in Connor, Risa, the people who live in the Graveyard and inadvertently himself. The Juvey-cops take away Roland, Risa and Connor to a harvest camp.

Part 6
They arrive at the harvest camp and realize that exercise is a main focus. At every sports court there are either cameras for every person playing or people with clipboards watching to see how their body moves and if muscles work right. It is found out that Lev's group killed the Goldens by suffocation before Lev got there and they are planning on blowing up the harvest camp by being Clappers who are people who, when they ingest a certain liquid, self-destruct if their blood comes out of their veins. Roland gets Unwound a few days later and the process is explained in detail for the first time. The person is conscious until they take the last chunk of the person out. The law says that people being Unwound have to be able to see it happening to them and be awake. They don't feel pain because of a drug they inject in him. After Roland is gone it's Connor's turn. It's exactly the time the Clappers are going to detonate the building he's going into so Lev runs to Connor to try and save him as he walks into the building. Right after Connor walks in the building explodes as the two other Clappers explode. Lev doesn't. Lev runs in and saves Connor who is missing an arm and an eye, and Risa from the demolished building.

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