Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pg. 63-99

wow. just wow. these should be movies. not just because it would get me out of reading them, but i think they could pull it off. it's kind of weird actually. like i can see why this is a series because i have made a quite a dent in this book and its still within like the first hours of the disappearances, but it will just give me an incentive to keep reading which i guess is good for the mind. (;
but even though its only been like 10 hours, ( i know this for a fact because each chapter counts down from 300 hours for some reason) the kids have found out quite a bit. While Astrid is searching for her autistic brother at some country club i think, they find like a barrier that that an through the tennis court. it wasn't like a brick wall, no, but like a glowing type of wall where you could see the other side. instinctively, Sam touches it and it burns him which is a little odd i think because it shows no marks. But then the kids figure out that the barrier runs around their whole city, Perdido Beach. They are trapped inside. Astrid suggests that possibly the sky they are looking at isn't the sky, that inside the barrier too, that they are in a dome, which i think is probably correct.
Later on that day, Astrid happens upon a bird that must have run into the stupid glowing barrier. But she seems to think ( because she is a bird expert or something) that it isn't just a regular seagull. She says this bird has talons which they normally don't. She says : "this bird is either a solitary freak, a random mutation, or a whole new species that suddenly appeared. evolved."
this is kind of alarming to me. even though i am not there. but still. this is getting intense. they are trapped inside a dome full of mutated animals and they cant get out. no adults. only so much food. this is not good. but it's good reading!

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