After Noelle catches Craig having an almost moment with Nia in his roommates bed she wants to talk to him. they already have a meeting scheduled for that night, but Craig doesn't know how what he did will change the outcome. When Noelle chows up, shes wearing the I HATE BOYS T- Shirt that i think i attached an image to a previous blog. Craig asks about it, but she makes the distinction that he isn't a boy, but that she hates boys because of thair arrogance and then asks Craig why boys are so arrogant which i think is a little odd. but the thing that really got me was Craig's answer. for some reason, even though i am not a boy, it really seemed to be true. like it jumped out the WOAH, THAT IS WHY. here it is:
"well, you know, we're born into the world seeing that we're just a little bit... we tend to have things a little bit easier than girls. and we tend to assume therefore that the world was built for us, and that we're, you know, the culmination of everything that came before us. and then we get told that having a little bit of this attitude is called balls, and that balls are good, and we kind of take it from there."
i thought it was rather insightful for Craig because they do have it easier and it sucks and they think they are awesome... and they aren't.
also in this section, Craig and Noelle become really close. Noelle lets herself go and reveals that her cuts on her face will never go away and that she is scared that she will never be able to get a job or live a normal life because of it and Craig comforts her and is there for her to be her shoulder to cry on. or chest i think to be specific. they dont kiss yet, but they hug which is a major step in the relationship of Craig and Noelle.
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