Sunday, March 6, 2011

weekend blog assignment-- spellbound

1. Ashley White and Neil Kadakia
Overall, their motivations were basically the same: to win the spelling bee, but in both cases, it centered around different areas. In Ashely's case, she spent most of her time at school preparing for the bee, and studied alone at home. Her family needed the money and supported Ashley because she was very good at spelling and she wanted to pursue it to the national spelling bee. her main motivation was to stand out in the inner city school she went to and to win the prize for her family.
For Neil, it was a little different. His family did not need anymore money. His father was constantly spitting words at him and asking him to spell them, hiring teachers for him so he could learn as many languages as possible and just making studying the number one priority in his life. He did not know anything else except words. It seemed that Neil's main motivation was to win the bee to make his father proud and not disappoint him.

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