Tuesday, March 29, 2011

maybe i should start playing online poker

after reading this article, my question is one that many people have, "How were these kids, many of whom were too young to set foot inside a casino, outsharking the sharks?"
if you just sit at your computer all day playing online, how are you learning to play? i don't understand. i didn't even know you could make this amount of money playing games on line, i just always figured it was spam. i guess in his case they are for real when the computer tells him he just won 100,000 dollars.
my concern is that he doesn't even understand that the money he is making is real money, not just computer money.
"It is unclear whether Cates actually does understand that the money is real. On the second day of my visit, we took a trip to Best Buy. Cates had grown bored of playing poker and wanted to buy a video game. As we stood in the PS3 aisle, discussing which games looked good, I asked him if he had ever walked into a store like Best Buy — or perhaps a car dealership — and thought to himself, Hey, I can buy out this entire place. Cates smiled sheepishly. He said: “I’m not really into material wealth. Plus, I need to save up some more money. My fiscal goal for 2011 is to reach $10 million in liquid cash.” I asked what the difference might be between $5 million and $10 million, especially for a 21-year-old whose relative spending habits sit somewhere on the line between modest and monastic. He explained: “You can do anything with $10 million. Like, you can buy a house and still have around $5 million left over.”"
he obviously has a skewed view of looking at things after spending 21 years on the computer playing poker. he thinks he needs MORE. he has like millions. from playing games! get a life!

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