Tuesday, March 29, 2011
maybe i should start playing online poker
if you just sit at your computer all day playing online, how are you learning to play? i don't understand. i didn't even know you could make this amount of money playing games on line, i just always figured it was spam. i guess in his case they are for real when the computer tells him he just won 100,000 dollars.
my concern is that he doesn't even understand that the money he is making is real money, not just computer money.
"It is unclear whether Cates actually does understand that the money is real. On the second day of my visit, we took a trip to Best Buy. Cates had grown bored of playing poker and wanted to buy a video game. As we stood in the PS3 aisle, discussing which games looked good, I asked him if he had ever walked into a store like Best Buy — or perhaps a car dealership — and thought to himself, Hey, I can buy out this entire place. Cates smiled sheepishly. He said: “I’m not really into material wealth. Plus, I need to save up some more money. My fiscal goal for 2011 is to reach $10 million in liquid cash.” I asked what the difference might be between $5 million and $10 million, especially for a 21-year-old whose relative spending habits sit somewhere on the line between modest and monastic. He explained: “You can do anything with $10 million. Like, you can buy a house and still have around $5 million left over.”"
he obviously has a skewed view of looking at things after spending 21 years on the computer playing poker. he thinks he needs MORE. he has like millions. from playing games! get a life!
10 years from now...
my sister dropped her biology major and picked up one in psychology so it is also really ironic that there is an aspiring psychologist on the list here.
the most delusional one here is probably the actress, Shauna Casale, i would tell her to pick a different career unless she wants to live in a box on the street.
Where do i see myself fin ten years?
i have no idea. i am hoping to live in a big city. maybe not huge, but like in a city somewhere. i want to be working in my career, not still struggling through college. i hope to have a tight bond with my family. i want to be married or something or atleast not alone and unsocial that would be bad. i just want to be happy.
pg. 1-68
anyway so far in the book, this kid clay jensen recieves 13 tapes from this girl hannah who has committed suicide recently. hannah has recorded herself on each tape discussing the reasons why she killed herself and pointing the blame at the 13 people which led her to do so. each person who recieves the box of tapes, is apart of hannah's suicide which is a complete shock to clay. he has no idea what he might have done to cause her to kill herself, but so far, the story has begun to unwravel as she has already described how justin, jessica, and alex started ruining her life the day she moved into town.
i think that clay is the most recent one, that he is tape number 13, that he is the last one who led to her suicide. that is just what i have been thinking as i have been reading this book.
can't wait to continue and meet the other people who have contributed to the death of hannah. reminds me of Pretty Little Liars.
Monday, March 28, 2011
my headache of the week
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

At first, the cover art had not been released for the second book, but i found this yesterday and i found it very intriguing how similar it was to the first book. i love how it looks like she is breaking out. breaking out of society's expectations. its so cool and symbolic.
pg. 348- end
the last part of this book sets you up really well for the nest one. i almost didn't want to stop reading. i want the next book really bad.
after everyone is made to take the red tablet, they basically don't remember a thing and they are all confused on why they are certain places and where they left things. that part is kinda funny.
Xander comes and admits to cassia that the red tablets don't work on him. they don't work on a few others either. he knows this because they had to take it one other time too but he hasn't divulged that secret yet. i am very interested in that one.
Cassia's mom is transferred to the farmlands. probably because of the whole ky situation and they don't want her to be anywhere where she could possibly start a revolution of some sort. good luck with that.
they move out there and her dad mentions to an official that they think she will be a problem (actually trying to help her) so she can move closer to the province where she thinks he will be at.
That is basically where the book leaves you. Cassia, on search for Ky. i wonder what the next book will be about. i am very excited :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
pg. 290-348
spring break in the big city. woohooooo
I am going to New York City baby!
for me this is really exciting. while we are there, we will be seeing to shows: the lion king, and how to succeed in business without trying. the second one is extra special to me because the star of this musical is... (hold for suspense) DANIEL RADCLIFF! i am so excited. i will be in the same room as harry potter. i will probably pass out or something.
the second most exciting thing is while we are there, the harry potter exibition will be touring in new york! how lucky are we?! i saw it while they were in chicago, but since then, they have added the props from the Deathly Hallows, and being an extreme Harry Potter fan like me, i have to go. I HAVE TO GO.
my only concern is that me and my mom are going to nyc alone. we have a horrible sense of direction. i hope we make it back...
Blog Assignment
I also remembered one of the books in the list, Love you Forever. I loved that book when i was a kid. Actually, I still love it. I saw it at Barnes & Noble the other day and read it.
I Distinctly remember the part of the book where the mother is really old an sick and because she took care of her son all his life, the son goes to her and holds her like a baby which i have always thought was a little deranged, but i guess as a kid you need a visual aid to see the care between a mother and son. whatever, I STILL LOVE IT, i'm going to go read it when i go home.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is on here. Everyone goes on and on about this book about how they love it and how it is the best childrens book they have ever read. never read it. I guess I am missing out.
All the other books I read as a youngin aren't on this list. I guess they weren't good enough. what about the puppy book!? my fave!
Monday, March 14, 2011
pg. 208- 290
Sunday, March 13, 2011
pg. 133- 208
Thursday, March 10, 2011
pg. 69-133
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
pg. 1- 69
anyway, the book begins in this dystopian world, where basically your whole like is planned out for you. As soon as you turn seventeen, you can choose whether or not you want to be put in the pool to be matched with someone else in the country. it is basically like the government is picking who you are going to marry. the main character, Cassia, has just turned seventeen so she applies for this and she o her luck is immediately selected to attend a match banquet to meet her match. to her surprise, and basically everyone elses, she is matched with her best friend, Xander. this is a very very very very rare occurrence considering the fact that the whole country is involved in this. usually girls are matched with people in other provinces and what not, but she was not. she takes this news strangely. she kimd of wanted to be like every one else...
with this news she goes to visit her grandfather who is supposed to die the next day. apparently, in the future everyone is made to die at the age of eighty which is kind of cruel... there is also so many other things about this future that are strange. apparently, they thought there was just too many books and poems and paintings and everything. too much history. so a long time ago, they hired a select few to sort out a hundred of each of these things to keep. now they only have that many things to watch and read. how boring of a wold to live in.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
weekend blog assignment-- spellbound
Thursday, March 3, 2011

I think i am going to start reading this book. Someone recommended it to my mom and said it was similar to the Hunger Games trilogy. after looking into it, i could see a lot of similarities and it seems interesting. this one is also part of a trilogy, but the only problem is that the second one will not be released until november. tear. but if i like it, i shall read it again! this is what it says on the back:
Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choices for her: what to read, what to watch, what to believe. So when Xander's face appears on-screen at her Matching ceremony, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is her ideal mate . . . until she sees Ky Markham's face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black.
The Society tells her it's a glitch, a rare malfunction, and that she should focus on the happy life she's destined to lead with Xander. But Cassia can't stop thinking about Ky, and as they slowly fall in love, Cassia begins to doubt the Society's infallibility and is faced with an impossible choice: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she's known and a path that no one else has dared to follow.
what is interesting me the most is the review on the back of the book. it says: "matched is a page-turning, dystopian love story, written with the soul. finally, a brave new world that readers from Twilight to The Hunger Games will claim as their own."
Those are my two favorite books. of course i am reading this book. and of course i will love it. it better not disappoint me.
pg. 545- end
who actually reads the books...?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Goodbye Gone
pg. 522-544
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Cool isn't it?
pg. 494- 522
Diction Exercise- Poetry
by: Sara Littlecrow-Russell
Sara Littlecrow-Russell's hushed and motionless diction creates a unsettling image that alludes to the foreboding reality of the ones who were not so lucky while their lives still remained unharmed.